Awesome! I’m so glad you want to get my homeschool newsletters!
I’m Tricia Soderstrom, creator of Abounding in Hope with Lyme. Thanks for choosing to receive my newsletters and post updates!
You may have already noticed that I’m pretty passionate about educating people, especially moms, about Lyme disease and homeschooling. It’s also my desire to encourage you as you walk this journey of restoring your health or that of your child’s.
I’m a homeschool Mom and I spent over 10 years helping my children heal from chronic tick-borne infections. During this time, I was also very sick and needed to heal while I was also a caregiver. Talk about stressful! I understand how hard it is having a chronic illness.
I try to send a weekly newsletter but sometimes life happens and you’ll hear from me less often. Sometimes, however, you might hear from me more often, especially when things come up that I think you might be interested in.
I value your privacy and will never sell or give away your email address.
I know all too well how hard it is to homeschool with a chronic illness and I want to offer you this welcome gift.
This eBook, 31 Days of Biblical Motherhood is a beautiful collection of blog posts from myself and many of my homeschool mom blogger friends. You will love the encouragement and I know you will be so blessed!
Be sure to visit my blog, Abounding in Hope with Lyme and share it with your friends and family. It’s so important that we educate our loved ones about tick-borne diseases.
Here’s where you can find me:
Facebook Page
Abounding in Hope with Lyme Community Private FB Group
Christian Homeschooling with Chronic Illness Private FB Group
Abounding in Hope Talks Podcast
I look forward to getting to know you!