Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. Thank you for choosing to purchase from them, it helps me to earn a small commission which keeps Abounding in Hope with Lyme up and running. Read my disclosures for more information!
Health & Essential Oils
Quality essential oils, makeup, and supplements.
Lemongrass Spa
My new favorite makeup. Quality, organic, natural, and all the good things.
Health Means
Give the gift of health education and empower your loved one or friend to be able to learn how to heal themselves.
Berkey Filters
The Berkey Water Filters and Water Bottles are the best way to purify your water whether you have city water or well water. You can literally fill the Berkey up with water from the creek and it will filter it and make it perfectly clean for consumption.
The Organized Homeschool Life Book & Planner
Read my review here: How I’m Using the Organized Homeschool Life Planner
Tech in Your Homeschool