As always, when I find valuable information that relates to tick-borne infections I like to share it with you so that you can have the most accurate reports. I watched this video piece twice because it was really good and I wanted to jot down a few notes.
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I’m putting the video here on the blog so it will be easy for you to find and share with your friends.
Dr. Steven Phillips, MD is a Yale trained physician and a Zoonotic Specialist. He’s also the former president of the ILADS (International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society) and was interviewed on the Fox 5 Good Day Morning Show.
Here are some of the key points Dr. Phillips made but I highly recommend that you listen and share this with your friends.
- Lyme disease is a global threat.
- Even in it’s earliest stage, Lyme disease treatment is associated with an unusually high failure rate.
- 20% of early treated Lyme patients go onto develop chronic systems.
- There is a controversy between the IDSA and ILADS
- Lyme bacteria are really hard to grow from animals and people.
- You can’t isolate Lyme bacteria from the blood.
- You can’t cookbook Lyme treatments.
- Persistent symptoms are related to persistent infection.
- North Eastern admitted after 35 years of study that you can’t adequately kill Lyme in the test tube even with powerful antibiotics.
- Deet doesn’t kill ticks, it essentially causes the tick to crawl to a part of the body where there is no deet.
- Permethrin is recommended to use on clothing only, it actually kills the ticks.
- If you were to inject Lyme bacteria into an animal and later do a blood panel to look for bacteria you won’t find it.
Now here’s the video:
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