I have been so deeply touched over the past few weeks by the many private messages I’ve been getting checking in on me and asking how I’m feeling. I’m convinced I have the best blog readers around!
There’s so much going in my life and with my health that I thought I would sit down and write a quick post update. If you’re not subscribed to my newsletters, please do that when you’re finished reading because I may send periodic updates through email.
I believe the last health update I gave discussed my annual physical and how my doctor was concerned that I have MS. I have an appointment with a neurologist at the end of July and I will need to have a cardiologist appointment as well.
In the meantime, I found out I’m positive for MTHFR, Two copies of the gene mutation C677T. I’m in the process of writing a blog post about that. Basically, I can’t methylate, or break down, Folic Acid. This causes a domino effect in one’s health and if the gene is switched on then you have to take steps to get the specific supplements and nutrition that can help you feel your best. As I’ve been learning about this and implementing these steps I’m gaining energy and stamina. Great news for someone who likes to keep busy.
The brain buzzing I was having all but went away when I began taking Herb Pharm Sarsaparilla along with Nutramedix Burbur and Pinella. This combination has also helped with my brain fog.

I continue to get adjustments with my chiropractor on a regular basis. For a few months, I had myofascial therapy & lymphatic drainage. I’ve been getting physical therapy since May for a shoulder injury and I just recently started getting dry needling in order to break up the trigger points surrounding my shoulder and down arm which is preventing my shoulder from healing. I was a bit nervous about this but the results have been quick and impressive.
My friend Yve with The Health Track did BioEnergetic Testing with a hair and nail sample for me and discovered that I’ve been going through a Bartonella and Epstein Barr Virus relapse which explains why I’ve been fatigued, having serious feet and leg pain, and that classic fibromyalgia-but-it’s-really Bartonella pain. I also need to readdress heavy metals and as I focus on the MTHFR protocol I will also be addressing vascular issues that have been showing up consistently.
My daughters gave me permission to share a short update on them as well. They’re all doing well and are super busy. My eldest just passed her National Exam and became a Medical Assistant after a year and a half of school. She worked really hard and handled school and work like a pro. She’s been painting again and every once in awhile will play the piano even though I haven’t had in tuned in quite awhile.
My second -born daughter is working at a large Animal Hospital, working 10-hour shifts and 40 hour work weeks. As a homeschool girl, she loved animals and reptiles and her dream was always to work with them in some way. Her demanding schedule and busy lifestyle occasionally cause symptoms to come back but she’s been able to keep them from getting too bad.
My youngest daughter just turned 17 and she’s doing great. She knows that exercising and eating a diet full of fresh veggies and fruit along with lots of good proteins and very specific carbs will keep her symptoms away! She avoids all dairy, gluten, and sugar. She loves exercising and is looking forward to her Senior year of High School where she will be getting dual-credit by doing her last few homeschool classes in college. We live in an area with a very large homeschool community and many of these kids attend the local college for their Senior year.
My little man, who turned 10 this Spring, is busy learning Minecraft and playing sports. He absolutely loves playing basketball. Last week he attended Vacation Bible School and memorized more Bible verses in one week than I can in a month. He’s doing very well with his health despite the fact that he and his dad love to sneak away for ice cream and pancake breakfasts. His only remaining symptom is a Bartonella pain that he gets in his shin. It’s usually cyclical and lasts for a few days.
We’ve all been on a 6-month return with our alternative doctor. The girls haven’t been taking their remedies for quite some time even though most of them only need to be taken once a week. I recently had my 17-year old get back on hers because she will be going away to camp and I want to ensure that if she gets bit by any bugs or ticks that she’ll be protected. I also purchased Ledum for her to take along.
Over the next few months, I’ll be super busy picking out curriculum and classes for our homeschool next year. I can hardly believe it will be my 17th year home educating my children. My daughter will be a senior and my son will skip ahead to 6th grade. Hopefully, next year I’ll have more time to blog about our homeschooling adventures, especially more specifics about homeschooling when we were all so sick.
This past month I have been spending quite a bit of time learning about homeopathy. While everyone has their opinion about how to treat chronic tick-borne infections, my family has pretty strong opinions as well as experience with antibiotics, herbs, and homeopathy.
Given the choice, we would all choose homeopathy over harsh medications and nasty tasting herbs any day. I still love working with herbs but I’ve become more fascinated with homeopathy as I have seen my family’s health restored, my children happy and thriving.
I’m thankful for the peace I’ve gained from knowing that I never have to fear another tick bite again.
How are you and those in your family doing? Feel free to comment below or send me a private message. As my blog grows it becomes a little more difficult to respond right away but I will continue to read and respond to each message as I can.
Since I’m a Jesus-loving, homeschooling mom of eight who was finally diagnosed with Lyme and Ehrlichia after YEARS of weird symptoms, ER visits and multiple doctors (including cardiologist and neurologist),, you can probably imagine how excited I am to find your blog.
I have been researching and have begun using homeopathic remedies, as well. I’d love to hear about which homeopathic remedies you and your family use.
Last but definitely not least, two of my daughters have Lyme and Ehrlichia infections, as well.
Thanks for sharing your journey!
Hi Lori, I’m so glad you found my blog! It sounds like we have a lot in common! The homeopathic remedies our family used to heal were formulated by our doctor. You can find his link on my favorites page, it’s Alternative Medicine Center. I hope you find my blog useful and encouraging. Thanks for saying hi! xoxo Tricia
I am absolutely thrilled to find your website! I have been on a Lyme support FB page, but was discourage by the negativity. I posted some encouraging words about Jesus and His love and care and how He will get us through all this Lyme ordeal. I finally realized I needed to find a more positive, uplifting site.
I was diagnosed with Lyme in December of ’16 after being so very sick for 8 months before a positive Lyme test came back. I was on antibiotics for 2 months and was so sick, fatigued, sleepless, depressed, anxious, brain fog, so much weight loss…my whole body was so depleted. I finally found a Functional Medicine doctor and am recovering well. I was feeling so much better, but developed dizziness and lightheadedness. My dr has given me homeopathic drops for this and it is beginning to help. I am praying that God will heal me completely from this. I know God is able to as there is nothing too difficult for Him!
I am thankful to have found your site! I’m thankful with you, that you and your family are doing so much better.
Hi Joyce, thank you for your kind words! My deepest desire to is to be a voice of encouragement and offer hope because I remember all too well the dark feelings of despair that having Lyme disease can bring. My family and I love homeopathy, I’m glad you’re seeing good results with it too. I’m so glad that you recognize how our attitudes and perspective, as well as our trust in God, are such vital aspects of our healing! Keep sharing the love of Jesus. I’ll be praying for you. xoxo Tricia