The holidays are not always the most wonderful time of the year. Oftentimes when things are going well in our lives we don’t give it a second thought. We may not consider the pain or suffering that others are enduring. I’ve been on both sides and want to share some of my thoughts on how we can care for those who are struggling through the holidays, including, when we’re the ones struggling.
A Difficult Christmas
During a season where joy and peace are expected; love stories play on the television and homes are supposed to be filled with happy memory-making activities, beautiful smells of Christmas cookies and spiced apple cider, we need to be reminded that this is not the reality for many.
While our lives, health or home may not reflect the beauty we think everyone else has, we can still find hope and peace this Christmas as we remember the true gift, Jesus Christ.
Those who don’t have those struggles have the privilege of walking beside those who do and bringing them the hope of the season.

If you’re having a difficult time this year, you may have to find new ways to experience joy.
If you’re hurting or sick right now, in need of encouragement or healing, you might find comfort inside the doors of a candle-lit church service. Think about inviting a cherished friend over for a potluck meal.
If you’re physically capable, your grace moment might be when you serve others who are hurting or needy.
If you’re entirely overcome by grief and you are all alone there are places you could go in your community to surround yourself with others who also need friendship, kindness, and a Christmas smile. Most communities and churches offer activities, libraries have Christmas crafts you could join in on and you could invite someone to go Christmas shopping with you.
Your pain might be new and you may not want to be around others this year. You need to know that you are never truly alone.
[bctt tweet=”This Christmas your grace moment might be when you serve others who are hurting or needy.” username=”aboundinginhope”]
It’s normal to feel this way, it’s normal to not want to celebrate Christmas or be around others or even to be happy. It’s ok, really it is and some alone time is important but you shouldn’t isolate yourself.
Consider spending this year remembering and honoring your loved one! Create new memories or do things that you once did with them. Participating in a grief support group might be helpful. Gather a few understanding friends who will remember your loved one with you.
If your health is what is consuming you, I know from experience that it’s hard to celebrate when your body is writhing in pain or when you are weak. Limit your pre-holiday activities so that whatever energy you do you have can be used to enjoy the holiday itself.
Caring for Others
For those who have family, friends, and good health, even if it’s not the best, be mindful of those precious people all around who are deeply hurting and in need of grace, love, and understanding.
Take the time this Christmas season to look around with compassionate eyes, to find those who need to be comforted and comfort them.
Find those who are lonely and share your time and friendship with them. Find those who are sick and visit them. Find those who have lost loved ones and let them speak about them because they mattered.
Let’s find those who need the hope of a Savior and share the truest gift of all, the Gospel of Salvation and the true meaning of Christmas.
Amen! Thanks for focusing on those for whom it's not a jolly time, Tricia.