Are you currently homeschooling? Have you been feeling tired, worn out or ready to quit?
Maybe you’re just getting started and you’re not quite sure what you got yourself into.
Whether you fit the first category or the latter you’ll want to join me over at Amy Milcic’s blog Busy Boys Brigade, where I’m sharing how you can find the abundant joy to continue homeschooling and to finish strong.
I share my experiences and some insights of what I’ve learned through my 16 years of homeschooling.
Amy has been hosting 20 Days of Home Schooling Encouragement where homeschool moms are sharing their hearts and their advice based on experience.
I’ll know you’ll be encouraged and these great posts will help you get ready for a great homeschool year.
So head on over, check out my post and spend time reading the others. You will be blessed.
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