It’s inevitable that if you spend a lot of time outdoors you will at some point have a tick either crawling on your or attached. These days it doesn’t even matter where you live unless you’re in Alaska or the North Pole. Ticks are e everywhere and they’re becoming more and more of a problem. To date, the CDC states there are 476,000 diagnosed and treated cases of Lyme disease each year. This does not include the many thousands of cases that are misdiagnosed or undiagnosed.
Afraid of the Outdoors
This might leave you fearful to enjoy the great outdoors. But did you know that you can reduce your risk of tick bites by 50%? Would that give you a little more peace of mind? There are many things you can do to prevent tick bites besides smothering yourself in Deet, which I don’t recommend, especially for children. There are safer and way less toxic ways to prevent tick bites.
Take a Shower
The simple act of showering can reduce your risk of being bitten by 50%! It’s true! The simple act of taking a shower immediately after you come in from being outside can reduce your risk of being bit.

You’ll want to throw your clothes and shoes in the dryer for 50 minutes on the highest setting you have and then high tail it up to the shower! Use a washcloth, loofah, or sponge to scrub your skin (not too hard), and then when you’re finished, check your body and your scalp carefully. Use a mirror and maybe even a magnifying glass if needed, ticks can be as tiny as the point on your pencil. Don’t forget to check all over including all your private parts!
Educate Yourself About Tick Bite Protection
Don’t let tick bites scare you from enjoying the great outdoors. Download my TICK TREATMENT GUIDELINES in case you do find an attached tick. This way you’ll know exactly what to do. It’s never too late to gather your supplies and prepare a tick kit.
I also recommend purchasing your herbs or homeopathy now! Don’t wait until you need it! There’s nothing more nerve-wracking than waiting for your treatment to show up in the mail. Remember, the most important thing is to be educated and not fearful!
You can learn so much more about how to prevent and treat tick bites through my Help! I Found a Tick E-course. It’s literally chocked full of details and encouragement and includes an exhaustive resource list that I’ve been curating for over seven years. You’ll want to have this resource now, it’s easy to go through and will give you the peace of mind you need to enjoy being outdoors again.
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