When I want to try a product or see what others say about it I hunt down review posts because I want to hear what other real-life, everyday people, like me, have to say about it. When Annie from Moms Meet asked me to review Boiron® Acidil® meltaway homeopathic tablets I didn’t have to even think about it. I replied with a resounding “Yes!” for several reasons, the first being that I love review posts, and the second, well, I love Boiron®!

I also really love my blog community and whenever I find something that I love I feel like I should tell you about it. So, in this post, I’m going to share with you why I love Boiron products and what I thought after using Boiron® Acidil®, Gasalia®, and Diaralia® Meltaway Tablets.
Disclaimer: “I received these products for free from Moms Meet (momsmeet.com) to use and post my
honest opinions. Compensation for this post was provided and this page may contain affiliate links.”
My History with Homeopathy
From 2009 until 2013 I was treated for Lyme disease and co-infections by a doctor who solely used antibiotics and other prescription medications. After four and half years every time I tried to get off these medications, I would have a severe relapse. Not to mention, the side effects that the antibiotics caused were doing just as much damage as the Lyme was, maybe more to my gut.
My children and husband were also being treated with prescription medications but thankfully they were not on them for as long as I was. When I began expressing my frustration with our treatment and how we weren’t getting better someone told us about a homeopathic doctor and believed he could help us.
By God’s grace, this doctor’s treatment protocol worked and my family and I all got better under his care.
Amazed by Homeopathy
Curious To Learn
Once I began to heal from Lyme disease using homeopathy my curiosity about it grew and I decided to learn more. I knew that people used homeopathy for everyday ailments and so I set out to discover how I could do the same.
Chronic conditions must be evaluated and treated by a professional homeopath and you should not try to diagnose yourself or self-treat!
Homeopathy at Home
My love for homeopathy continues to this day. I have collected quite the medicine chest full of Boiron® products. I’m also known for pulling them out of my purse when a friend’s child gets hurt or someone around me doesn’t feel so well. I love using homeopathy and I want other moms to know how effective it is.
What Came in My Package
When I got my package for this review from Momsmeet it included Boiron’s® Acidil® Meltaway Tablets, Gasalia® Meltaway Tablets, and Diaralia® Meltaway Tablets. Isn’t it lovely? There was even an apron and a spoon which has become my favorite.
These products came in the mail at the perfect time, the week of Thanksgiving! This is when most people overindulge in rich food and desserts and the buttons come undone after dinner in order to make room for more!
My Most Recent Experience
Sure enough, I was able to offer the Gasalia® Meltaway Tablets that same week. I won’t mention any names to protect the innocent but, I will tell you that these little meltaways offered quick relief.
Challenging My Husband
When my husband saw what I received I asked him if would do a two-week trial using Acidil® because he uses an over-the-counter acid reducer almost daily. I was hoping that maybe Acidil® would be a more effective option.
After a week I noticed the package sitting next to his chair and he had gone through an entire foil sheet and half of the second. He said it was helping him but he had to take them often. Now, in all fairness, he has a real medical condition that causes recurring acid reflux so he really needs to be treated by a trained homeopath because he has a chronic condition. Of course, I believe if he were to change his diet and use the Acidil® he would probably notice more significant relief but I’m not a doctor, I just pretend to be one at home.
My Personal Experience
I don’t usually have trouble with an acidy tummy but one night after eating tacos I did, so I used Acidil® and had relief in less than 10 minutes.
Comfort Food Without the Discomfort
I will also get acid reflux if I drink nonorganic, preground coffee. If I’m out running errands and want to grab a cup of coffee I can take a few Acidils before drinking it and I won’t have to worry about anything.
I really like the way these are packaged. I can slip a pack in my purse and I don’t have to worry about them falling out of the package or getting lost which is really quite handy.

Image Source: AIHWL Personal. Images on this blog may not be copied or used without the express permission of AIHWL.
I’ve used the Gasalia® Meltaway Tablets a few times with great success. Since having part of my colon removed last year my gut has been so super sensitive when I take my daily supplements.
What I Thought
I used the Gasalia® Meltaway Tablets when I’ve felt sick, had a bloated tummy, and felt nauseous after taking supplements and it worked quickly. There was one occasion where I’ve needed to take two or three doses so if that happens to you don’t think they’re not working, they are. Sometimes you just need a few doses. Homeopathy isn’t like medicine, it doesn’t cover up your problem it works with your body to help it to overcome whatever issues or symptoms you’re having.
Thank the Lord we have not needed the Diaralia® Meltaway Tablets but I am keeping one packet in my purse and one in the bathroom just in case.
How to Use
Homeopathy is simple to use, there are no side effects and it’s safe for children. Each package has easy to follow directions. You’ll pop two meltaway tablets out of the foil packet and into your mouth then let them dissolve. You can take these remedies every 15 minutes for the first hour if needed, just follow the directions on the package.
Of course, I’m not a doctor or a homeopath and cannot give medical advice but I am a mom and a woman who is very cautious about what I buy and what I use to help with pain and sickness. I love sharing about products I use with friends and family.
What I Love About These Products
I love Boiron, I love using the single remedies but I really love these combination remedies too! Each package is labeled with clear descriptions making it easy to choose the right remedy. There’s no guessing involved and when you’re in a hurry or just learning, this is the way to go.
These products contain a combination of remedies you need for a quick solution to your acid indigestion, upset stomach, intestinal pain, nausea, diarrhea, bloating, pressure, pain, and discomfort. You can use them before or after drinking coffee or eating a meal that may cause discomfort.
Why You Should Get Them
I’m just going to tell you right now that you need to have these in your medicine cabinet! They are a must for every home but especially if you have gut sensitivities either due to Lyme disease from using antibiotics, or both. They’ve been especially helpful for me as I continue to heal my gut from my colostomy surgeries last year.
Eight out of 10 Americans are managing digestive issues. Surprisingly, the highest incidence of self-reported acid indigestion is in people between ages 25 and 44. Once considered an issue of older adults, acid indigestion is more prevalent among young people due to their 24/7 lifestyles, stress, eating on the go, and changing diets.
You can use them for everyone in your family and you will feel really great about using an all-natural product that works quickly to alleviate digestive symptoms.
These remedies are gentle and work quickly and they have a slightly sweet taste so they’re easy to give to children.
About Boiron
Boiron believes there’s a better way to feel better. Since 1932, the Boiron family has been dedicated to providing the purest medicines using sustainable practices. As a world leader in homeopathic medicines, quality has always been their passion and your well-being is their goal. Your health deserves the greatest respect. That’s why they are committed to your satisfaction.
- Boiron Acidil is a homeopathic medicine made with sustainably sourced,
plant-based active ingredients. - It is the #1 best-selling heartburn homeopathic medicine in natural food stores.
- Acidil relieves occasional heartburn, acid indigestion, upset stomach, and
bloating.* - The unflavored meltaway tablets dissolve in the mouth, without needing
water or food. - Acidil may be taken before or after meals, whenever symptoms strike.
- It is appropriate for use by adults and children who are 12 and older; Acidil
has no known drug interactions. - Each box contains three sleeves of 20 tablets each for home, work, or on-the-go.
- Acidil Meltaway Tablets typically retail for $9.99 to $11.99 (box of 60 tablets).
Where to purchase
Acidil is available to purchase at RiteAid, Walgreens, Sprouts Farmers Market, Whole Foods Market, Vitamin
Shoppe, and online at amazon.com, iherb.com, and vitacost.com. Visit boironusa.com/store-locator for the
full list of locations.
If you’d like to learn more and give them a try yourself you can find more information about Boiron’s® Acidil® Meltaway Tablets, here: https://www.boironusa.com/acidilcomfort/
Learn more online
This was so interesting and helpful, Tricia.
Thank you for sharing all this information!!
God Bless YOU!