This time of year can be overwhelming. Let’s face it, it IS overwhelming especially when life is already busy. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed just getting through the day. When our health is compromised we’re forced to slow down! To rest during Christmas, the busiest time of year
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Forced Rest
I had my checkup with my holistic doctor and discovered why I’ve been dragging and completely unmotived lately.
The news that I’ve exhausted my adrenals AGAIN wasn’t good but I also learned that I have reactivated Epstein-Barr Virus, AGAIN! I really just wanted to know why I’ve been having so many migraines. This is not the news I wanted to hear.
I know! I’m not in this boat alone! It doesn’t matter whether we’re currently dealing with chronic illness or we’ve recovered, we must make rest a priority! (Preaching to the choir here!)
We have to guard and protect our immune system. It doesn’t take much to tip that very delicate balance and put us back where we started.
Resting During Trials
So, I ask you, are you resting this holiday season? Not just physically but emotionally and spiritually? Resting in every aspect of our lives matters and having internal peace is possible.
Are you resting in the true meaning of Christmas or are you so busy that you’ve allowed cookies, parties, and programs to crowd out what’s most important?
Some of our very best Christmases were the simple ones that were forced to focus on relationships over everything else.
This time of year seems to highlight and exasperate the struggles we might already be facing. It brings to the light the true condition of our heart! The unforgiveness we’ve been harboring, the ingratitude for what we don’t have, the lack of contentment for how our life is going!
Many people struggle during the holidays. Most struggle with busyness, some are struggling with grief, others with financial burdens, relationship strains, or very serious health concerns.
When I was younger I used to think I was the only one who ever struggled or had bad things happening to them. The truth is we all have seasons of trials and difficulties. Some seasons are more difficult than others. Some seasons seem to drag out forever!
When trials come into our lives we have a tendency to become almost hyper-focused on that trial. Anxiety has a way of keeping us trapped and consumed.
Jesus Our Rest
No matter what you’re going through, God is truly the only one who can change your circumstances and if He chooses not to change your circumstances HE CHANGES YOU in the circumstances!
When we go through a trial we tend to go through different phases. At first, you might be in disbelief, then comes fear, anger, and finally, acceptance. As believers, hopefully, we’ll surrender to the Lord’s will. This final phase is where true peace and rest come from.
Don’t linger in the beginning phases because there’s a danger in being hyper-focused on your trial for too long. Focusing on your trial or yourself takes your focus completely off Jesus. It distracts you from what Jesus wants to do in your life and how He wants to minister to you.
As believers, our lives should be about bringing glory to God and growing closer to Him each day. As we do that, we become more like Him, we begin to think as He does and our desires change to those that will bring glory to God!
[bctt tweet=”No matter what you’re going through, God is truly the only one who can change our circumstances and if He chooses not to change our circumstances He changes us in the circumstances! #aboundinginhopewithlyme” username=”aboundinginhope”]
Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author, and perfecter of our faith! (Hebrews 12:2)
Focusing on Jesus is the key to remaining hopeful during the most difficult and dark times. He is our true rest!
I pray this Christmas season draws your attention and focus to our Heavenly Father who loves us so much that He sent His Son, Jesus, to earth as a baby! He was born in a lowly manger, lived as a weak human, suffered so that He could sympathize with our pain. He became despised and shamed and yet still offered the ultimate sacrifice for us so that we could have eternal life.
Through this, He showed us what humility is and He showed us His perfect love, the love He has for each one us.
Let’s not let our health, our loss, our difficulties or anything else prevent us from putting our trust in Jesus and resting in Him.
Always remember, you have not been forgotten! You are loved with an everlasting and perfect love.
Merry Christmas!
Tricia, Thinking of you and your family this holiday season. I too am recovering from Epstein Barr virus and know how hard it is but I’ve learned that pushing myself only makes it worse. Have a restful, peaceful, joyous holiday!
Thank you Nora! Yes, resting is imperative! God bless you and yours and Merry Christmas!
Rest up, my dear. A happy and healthy Christmas to the entire Soderstrom family!
Merry Christmas Ali!
Thank you, Tricia! Your posts are always so wonderfully encouraging and helpful! Merry Christmas to you and your family. I’ll be praying for your health, rest and healing! <3
Thank you Joyce! Merry Christmas!