Ticks are often called dirty needles because of the number of infections they can transmit. While most people may only be concerned about Lyme disease, ticks can transmit many infections at one time. Co-infections are often not considered when a tick bite or infection has been suspected. Unfortunately, most doctors are not even aware that […]
Don’t Take This For Lyme
Lyme disease can cause devastating symptoms if not caught early. It’s vitally important that you educate yourself beforehand to know what to do if you get bit by a tick and how to treat an early case of Lyme disease. Unfortunately, most doctors do not know the correct protocol for treating an early Lyme infection […]
Testing for Lyme Disease
Lyme disease may be one of the most overlooked and misdiagnosed diseases of our time. There are so many reasons for this it may make your head swim. To begin with, the bacteria that causes Lyme disease produce such a multitude of symptoms which mimic a very long list of other diseases & disorders. Check […]
Lyme Links & Resources
Updated 4/17/2023 For your convenience, I’ve put this resource list together so that you can easily find the information needed regarding Lyme Disease. Please understand that websites change and links may not work. If you come across a broken link and email me I can fix it but I do not regularly check these links.
Antibiotics for Lyme and What We’re Doing Now
When I was diagnosed 6 years ago I knew nothing about Lyme Disease except that it was something you might get from a tick. Before Lyme I had never bothered to learn about it because quite honestly it didn’t affect me. I suddenly found myself at the mercy of my doctor. I willingly followed her […]
Help, I Found a Tick!
It’s always frightening to find a tick attached to you or your child and it’s very important to know what to do in order to protect yourself from one of many detrimental tick-borne infections.
10 Ways to Protect Yourself from Lyme Disease
Each year as the weather grows warmer our exposure to tick-borne diseases increases. In recent years ticks have become more of a threat year-round, but each Spring nymph ticks are in abundance. Because nymph ticks are only the size of a dot it’s difficult to know if you’ve bit. As we come back out of […]
You Say LymeS, I Say Lyme
One of the biggest pet peeve’s of many Lyme sufferers is hearing someone refer to Lyme disease as LymeS. Most who have Lyme will consider the person saying LymeS to be someone who doesn’t know a thing about the disease which has robbed them of their health and vitality. It is most concerning when a doctor […]
Recognizing Lyme Disease in Children
This post was updated on July 17, 2022 Lyme disease is highly controversial and difficult to detect. It is even more difficult to diagnose in children without the tell-tale signs of a classic bulls-eye rash. Children have a much more difficult time explaining their symptoms. Parents may recognize that their child may be more tired […]
Why Your Allergy Medicine May Help Treat Your Lyme
Recently all the buzz in the Lyme community is about how your allergy medication, specifically Claritin®, may help treat Lyme disease. Lyme disease is a potentially debilitating infection caused by the bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi. If caught early enough, Lyme disease can be treated effectively. The infection goes undiagnosed or misdiagnosed more often than not causing […]