Last weekend I attended The 2 to 1 Conference (referred to as 2:1) in Herndon, Virginia. The theme of the conference couldn’t have been more perfect for a group of busy homeschool moms! Our theme was Abide based on the Bible verses found in John 15. Throughout the conference, we were reminded that as we go through life, we are going to encounter circumstances that are out of our control but as we abide in Christ we learn to have joy even when life is hard.
John 15:4-5
4) Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. 5) I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.

What is the 2:1 Conference?
The 2:1 Conference is a Christian conference for homeschool moms who are bloggers, social media influencers, or entrepreneurs. It is an opportunity for networking, learning practical applications for business, blogging, balancing homeschool and business, and a time of spiritual encouragement.
Our keynote speakers were Connie Albers, Rachael Carman, and Heidi St. John. I had not had the privilege of hearing Connie Albers or Rachael Carman speak in the past and I’m embarrassed to say that I didn’t even know who they were, but I’m a total fangirl of Heidi St. John’s so I was really looking forward to meeting her.
I loved hearing from each of these women as they spoke to us from their experience as Christian homeschool moms who have blogs and businesses. It was really helpful to hear from women who have already, and in Heidi’s case, are still balancing the homeschool, family, business life. It can be a real struggle to just balance homeschooling and life! Can I get an Amen?
We All Struggle
Throughout the conference, we were reminded of the incredibly important but often neglected task of taking care of ourselves. Moms are notorious for staying up late because that’s when the house is quiet. We were encouraged to put our husbands and children ahead of our desire to grow our business. Most importantly, we were encouraged to abide in Christ and allow Him to bless our meager efforts.
After spending three days with the women at 2:1 and speaking personally to our keynote speakers, I came away from the conference with the sense that we all have quite a bit in common!
We all love the Lord and want to honor him with our lives and we all have struggles! Every single woman in that room has suffered in some way and some were in a season of current suffering. I know that you can identify with suffering and that’s why this message is so important.
We are not immune to suffering! Jesus said that in this world we will have trouble! (John 16:33) The good news is that we can go through our suffering with grace, joy, and victory! How? By abiding in Christ because apart from Him, we can do nothing!
Key Note Speakers and Key Points
God is Writing Your Story
Connie Albers shared a heartbreaking story about a very serious accident that happened to her family when she was a young child. She told us that “God is writing your story, and it won’t be what you expect!” Isn’t that so true? We don’t expect to suffer hardship or sickness but God uses that to orchestrate the details of our lives. We can be sure that God will never let our trials be wasted!

Me with Connie Albers at the 2:1 Conference
[bctt tweet=”God uses every trial and difficulty in your life to orchestrate the details of your life. Your trials are never wasted! #faith #godsbest #sickness #trials #victory #aboundinginhopewithlyme” username=”aboundinginhope”]
Connie encouraged us to trust God no matter what and reminded us that we can’t control everything. As moms, we so often try to manipulate life so that it fits into a little neat box but that’s sure to cause frustration and burnout! Connie shared the importance of creating margin in our lives and making sure that we’re not being too busy for those around us. She encouraged us to get back to hospitality!
Hospitality has become all but a dying art! The purposeful intent to make a beautiful meal for our family to enjoy around the table together or inviting another family over to share dessert and coffee. The idea is to create and build relationships by inviting others into our homes.
Finally, Connie told us to pay careful attention to our soul. She said that when things get hard we can’t quit but we can rest and rest is very important especially when we find ourselves being frustrated or angry.
God Works Best in Our Brokenness
Rachael Carman is an author and speaker for Apologia Ministries! Can I just say that she is a fabulous speaker? She held my scatterbrained attention the entire time with amazing reminders of God’s love, provision, and care. She took the word “abide” and created an acrostic to share her message.
A is for prActice waiting on God. B is for oBey God by loving Him and others.
I is for the Invitation Jesus gives us to be in a relationship with Him. Jesus invites us every day to sit with Him and spend time in scripture and prayer.

Me & Rachael Carman at the 2:1 Conference
D stands for enDure the hard times. Hard times often lead us to a place of brokenness and when we’re humble and broken God can come in to lift us up. (James 4:10)
E stands for rEst in God. We need to stop chasing and comparing and instead, rest and trust God. Are you trusting God, even where He has you right now?
[bctt tweet=”That place of brokenness we often find ourselves in during difficulties is exactly where God is able to come in and lift us up. #faith #christiangrowth #aboundinginhopewithlyme” username=”aboundinginhope”]
God Will Take Care of You and Sustain You
Heidi St. John is a famous author and public speaker and she spoke specifically about Abiding in Trials. She shared stories from her early speaking days and how God sustained her and her family and provided for them. She encouraged us to seek God for everything. Just last year her nephew was severely injured in a car accident. She shared how the doctors held little hope for him to survive and yet when her sister surrendered her son to the Lord he began to show small signs of hope.
Heidi also took the word “abide” and shared the following!
A – Adjust your perspective and look for God’s fingerprints in your circumstances.
B – Believe God is doing a work in your life and will never leave or forsake you.
I – Inquire of the Lord and then act with courage.
D- Determine to use God’s weapons which are worship, scripture reading, and prayer!
E – Enjoy the journey and learn to be filled with joy no matter your circumstances.
Abiding When Life is Hard
The 2:1 Conference encouraged me so much and reminded me that no matter what we face in life, we can come out on the other side with strength and joy as long as our trust is in God and we are truly abiding in Jesus Christ.
I know it’s sometimes difficult to believe that God is there for you when you are suffering so much! I know that you might feel like your prayers are going unheard and you may be at the place where you just don’t care anymore!
I’ll be completely honest with you and tell you that I’ve been in that place! At the same time, I want to caution you to not stay there. Don’t allow your circumstances to steal from you the joy that is set before you! God has so much for you, He longs to meet with you right where you are. He is more interested that you abide with Him than He is that you have ease and comfort in this life. I want to leave you with a passage of scripture that encouraged me when I was left without hope!
Romans 8:18 For I consider [from the standpoint of faith] that the sufferings of the present life are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is about to be revealed to us and in us!
Choose to abide in Him, for apart from Him we can do nothing!
I loved meeting you at 2:1. I pray you’ve been more intentional about paying attention to what you say matters the most. <3
Hi Connie, thank you! I loved meeting you as well! Being at 2:1 was such a great motivator for me and I have already put into action so much of what I learned. ❤️❤️