Christmas is long over and while it already seems like a distant memory, you may have received a special gift that you’re still enjoying. There’s one particular gift I received that I wanted to tell you about.
I asked my husband for a bracelet with an essential oil diffuser locket. I love using my Young Living essential oils and I use them on a daily basis. Every time I saw a bracelet with a diffuser locket I knew I would wear it on a daily basis.
I was pleasantly surprised when I received not one but two bracelets with essential oil diffuser lockets. I was so excited, I couldn’t wait to wear them. The bracelets he chose are from Destination Oils and they are beautiful.

The first bracelet I put on felt great on my wrist and looked beautiful but shortly after putting it on my locket fell off and I lost the lava stone that sits inside of it. The second bracelet I tried on became my favorite but it also had problems where the clasp on the locket wouldn’t stay closed. I was totally bummed.
Quite frankly, I waited almost a week before contacting the company because I didn’t want to deal with any run-around.
When I emailed Destination Oils I received a response within a few hours. Kara offered me an apology and assured me that they offer a 90-day warranty for problems such as this. She quickly offered to replace my lava stones and my essential oil lockets. Kara told me that they had a few problems with these current lockets and that they were changing over to a new design.
In just a few short days I received this packet filled with lockets and lava stones. Aren’t they beautiful?
I was surprised to get the replacement in so quickly and very happy to be able to wear my bracelets again. When I received the extra lockets and stones it felt like Christmas all over again.
My experience with Destination Oils was superb, Kara was super friendly and willing to help resolve my problem.
I love my bracelets and wear them every day. They’re lightweight and elegant. It’s easy to open the locket, remove the lava ball, add a drop or two of your favorite essential oil, let it dry and then place the lava ball back into the locket.
If you’re looking for a way to wear your essential oils beautifully, you might want to consider diffuser jewelry and you can find beautiful options from Destination Oils. If you need essential oils, you can find high quality, pure oils with Young Living.
As always, let me know if you have questions. I love sharing my love of essential oils.
I still have the chain with a diffuser locket that yoiu gave me a few years ago. Still love it!
That’s wonderful Alison! That will be my next jewelry piece for sure!