My family and I first began treatment with Dr. Soliman in 2014 for our chronic tick-borne infections. We quickly learned that Lyme disease and the few co-infections that we were diagnosed with were not the only issues affecting our health and immune system. Furthermore, the damaging effects of long-term antibiotics caused their own very serious problems within our immune system and the health of our digestive system.
Our Healing Journey
As we began to see positive results in our healing journey we learned that the body is truly amazing and given the right environment can heal, even from Lyme disease.
[bctt tweet=”The body is truly amazing and given the right environment can heal, even from Lyme disease. #lymedisease #aboundinginhopewithlyme” username=”aboundinginhope”]
I hope you enjoy this interview and if you’ve never considered alternative care in your treatment, maybe this will help you understand more about how it works and why it might be a good choice for your healing journey.
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Interview with Dr. Nader Soliman
Dr. Soliman is the past assistant professor of anesthesiology and pain management at George Washington University Medical Center. He is Board Certified in Medical Acupuncture by the American Board of Medical Acupuncture, is a Fellow of the American Academy of Medical Acupuncture and Past president of the American Academy of Medical Acupuncture. Currently, Dr. Soliman is the President of the Alternative Medicine Center/ Soliman Wellness Center, LLC, Rockville, MD
Dr. Soliman, How long have you been practicing Alternative Care?
25 years
Could you please explain what Auricular Medicine is?
This is a highly advanced form of ear acupuncture that allows a more precise evaluation of the energetic status of every organ and structure in the human body.
Do you treat many Lyme patients?
Yes, we do provide complementary therapy for patients with Lyme disease.
Have you seen a rise in the number of patients coming in with Lyme disease?
Yes, there is a direct correlation with the increase in the deer population.
How do you determine if someone might have Lyme disease?
Traditional Western medicine has great difficulty finding a reliable test for Lyme disease. In many cases, treatment is started if the patient’s symptoms are suggestive of the presence of Lyme. In many alternative medicine approaches, the patient’s symptoms are of primary importance since they reflect how the body is coping with the disease.
For example, a patient suffering from a cold will exhibit symptoms such as a sore throat, cough, nasal congestion, fever, sneezing, etc. All of these symptoms reflect an attempt from the body to get to rid of the invading organism. Essentially, these are symptoms of activation of the immune system rather than symptoms of a particular disease (here it is a cold). Consequently, sudden onset of fleeting joint pain, skin rash (including the bullseye), brain fog, forgetfulness, in addition to a history of tick bite, are all very suggestive of Lyme disease even though the blood tests might not show positive for Lyme, yet.
I’ve learned through your care that Lyme Disease is usually not the sole problem of a patient whose health has been compromised. What do you usually find that needs to be addressed other than Lyme?
Ticks may carry a large number of bacteria, viruses, and parasites in addition to the Lyme bacteria. That includes the many co-infections of Lyme itself. So, there is a chance additional infections are introduced into the body when bitten by a tick. In addition, a weak immune system might develop as a result of these infections or as a result of the many drug interventions. A weak immune system will allow many organisms that would normally live in our body without any harm to become more aggressive leading to additional symptoms.
What is the treatment protocol that you use?
Our protocol is used as a complementary treatment to promote the integrity of the immune system. By supporting the immune system, the patient has a better chance to cope with the infections present. This will include appropriate detoxification and enhancing the immune system’s ability to fight various organisms. This might include the introduction of homeopathic remedies and various acupuncture techniques to achieve such purpose.
Please explain how homeopathy work.
Homeopathy works on the principle known as “likes cure likes“. This is a principle that is even used in traditional Western medicine. A large dose of radiation can cause cancer, yet we use small doses of radiation to cure cancer. In Western traditional medicine, we use small dosages of viruses like the flu virus to promote immunity against the flu. Chemotherapy drugs are extremely toxic and can cause cancer, yet the use of extremely small doses will help eradicate cancer. A known drug for the treatment of congestive heart failure is digitalis, however, using digitalis in large doses can actually cause heart failure.
How exactly homeopathy works is not well known, but let us not forget that this is also the case with many Western drugs in use. A plant known as marsh tea was found to cause if ingested in a large amount, extremely similar symptoms to those suffered by patients diagnosed with Lyme disease. So giving an extremely diluted amount of that plant seems to help with the symptoms of Lyme.
Because of the extreme dilution of all homeopathic remedies, they are known for their extreme safety. As a matter of fact, the homeopathic industry is supervised by the FDA. No known complications have ever been reported as a result of using homeopathic remedies.
Many claim that using homeopathic remedies is a placebo effect, meaning that simply because you believe that it might work you end up feeling better. Studies, however, have shown the benefit of homeopathic remedies on children and on animals.
How does your treatment plan help the Lyme patient?
The key to our complementary treatment for Lyme disease is to empower the immune system to fight various microorganisms responsible and create an appropriate atmosphere for the immune system to perform its functions.
How long does it typically take for a patient to see improvement and how long before they are well?
This will differ from one patient to the other.
Please explain what Ear Needles are and how they can be beneficial.
The ear is considered to be a whole acupuncture system by itself, so it can replace body acupuncture treatment. Using tiny acupuncture needles on the ear has the advantage of reducing the number of office visits as these needles could be retained safely in the ear for many weeks. The ear could be extremely beneficial in combating allergy symptoms.
Thank you, Dr. Soliman, for an excellent interview. I believe this information will be very beneficial for those who are interested in alternative care for rebuilding their immune system.
My Personal Thoughts
My family and I have enjoyed the return of our health and we are very thankful for Dr. Soliman’s care. Because our health is important we continue to see Dr. Soliman on an as-needed basis in order to keep our immune system functioning well and keeping our good health as a top priority.
Additional Information
Ear Acupuncture in European Traditional Models
Frequently Ask Questions about Acupuncture
Auricular Medicine and Lyme Disease
Auricular Medicine, Lyme Disease and Neurological Disorders
I am currently seeing him since January! Slow progress but itβs showing I hope! Around how long did it take for you to truly feel healed?
I have contracted Lyme three times since 2004. Since I cannot do antibiotics (and this would not be my first choice if I could) I go to Dr. Soliman to be cured, successfully. I also have been to him for other reasons which he has helped me heal in the past. There are many things conventional medicine misses, Dr. Soliman catches it. I also have sent many people to Dr. Soliman for issues the conventional doctors could not cure, and all came back healed.
Even a local diabetes specialist sends his patients to Dr. Soliman (as I heard last from the diabetes doctor they don’t come back as they get cured). Our bodies are like sports cars and sometimes need “tuned”. I am grateful for Dr. Soliman. We need more Doctors like him around!
Hi Kim, thank you so much for stopping by and leaving this great testimony. We absolutely love Dr. Soliman. I send so many people his way but I don’t hear back so I don’t get to hear their progress. We’ve been using him as our “Check-Up” doctor just to make sure everything stays cleared away. We definitely need more doctors like Dr. Soliman. I know he is training other doctors but there is only one Dr. Soliman. π
I just started homeopathic treatment today. . Dr Soliman was my providers mentor and I look forward to health and healing. Thank you for writing this.
That’s wonderful, Tia! I’ll be praying for your healing.
Glad she was able to help you guys, Tricia!
Thanks! I’m always very thankful when I watch my kids moving on in life.