Not too long ago, I shared a post titled, What If Your House Was Making You Sick! I told you how we moved a few years ago and my health took a turn for the worse. My pain and fatigue increased and I felt so much anxiety especially during the Spring and Fall.
Exercise Options for Those With Chronic Illness
When you’re suffering from physical pain and exhaustion the last thing on your mind is to get up and exercise, at least it was for me. Previously, I shared a post about the benefits of exercising when you have Chronic Illness, Why You Should Exercise When You Have Lyme. You can read that later but […]
Healthier Easter Basket Options for Those With Lyme Disease
Easter is just a hop away (sorry, I couldn’t resist) and when you have Lyme disease it’s super important to stay away from foods that might trigger inflammation as well as foods that might cause Candida. Sugar, food dyes, sugar alcohols, and GMO’s are super important to avoid and not just when you have Lyme disease. […]
How I’m Preventing the Flu Naturally
Goodness, gracious, this is a really bad year for the flu! With the onslaught of reports on the news, I began to get a little worried. Honestly, I was ready to cancel all of our outside commitments and just put everyone in the safe bubble inside our home but that’s not at all practical and […]
Gluten Free Christmas Cookies
Christmastime is my favorite time of year to bake delectable treats. I really want to be able to make recipes for my family that everyone can enjoy. That means I must find recipes that are gluten-free and that don’t require refined sugar. I began my search online and then it dawned on me that I […]
Why Exercise is Important When You Have Lyme
Physical exercise is important to everyone but it is vitally important to those who have Lyme disease. You might know this intellectually but quite honestly you’re probably so miserable with your Lyme symptoms that exercising is the last thing on your mind. Maybe you want to get started but you have no idea how or […]
5 Intentional Steps to Creating Great Health Habits
I have a feeling that you and I might have something in common. We want to pursue a healthy lifestyle, we have great intentions but when push comes to shove, consistent exercise is hard! Making healthy dietary choices can sometimes be overwhelming.
The Healing Power of Sleep
[I’m not a doctor and this post is not meant to diagnose or treat any condition. It is only for informative purposes only.] I have a personal question for you. How is your sleep? Are you getting enough? Did you know that getting quality sleep can have a positive, healing impact on every organ in […]
Preparing Your Bathroom for Seasonal Sickness
Is your bathroom ready for the icky-sicky bugs that are going around? Mine usually is but we haven’t had the flu since 2003 and we haven’t had a tummy bug for about 8 years. I believe we’ve done so well because we’ve been very diligent about taking a good quality probiotic.
How and Why You Should Make Bone Broth
It’s the perfect time of year to learn how and why you should be making bone broth for your family. My Mom always made homemade chicken soup by slow boiling an entire chicken for hours. It’s still one my favorite recipes and I always feel great making it for my family and as soon as […]