[I’m not a doctor and this post is not meant to diagnose or treat any condition. It is only for informative purposes only.]
I have a personal question for you. How is your sleep? Are you getting enough? Did you know that getting quality sleep can have a positive, healing impact on every organ in your body?
Subsequently, a poor night’s sleep can have a negative impact and if you are consistently not getting enough sleep it can have a detrimental effect on your health.
I’ve always known that sleep is extremely important but as I listened to The Thyroid Secret by Dr. Izabella Wentz, I was reminded once again why sleep is so vitally important.
A good night’s sleep helps balance hormones, rejuvenates you and helps your body to heal. It’s the time when your injuries heal and your cells regenerate. Everything from your mental health, clarity of mind and problem solving is greatly affected by your quality of sleep. It’s also helpful to lower your risk of depression and anxiety.

[bctt tweet=”Sleep is one of the greatest tools we have to ensure our good health. #healing #sleep #aboundinginhopewithlyme” username=”aboundinginhope”]
Do you feel guilty resting or taking breaks? Would you ever lie down for a 20-minute nap during the day, sit in a quiet room to meditate or pray or go to bed early even though you haven’t tackled your long to-do list?
The choices you make will either promote good health or poor health. There is no neutral when it comes to lifestyle choices and nutrition.
When you set aside time each day to physically relax it has a dramatic effect on your mind and body. Relaxing can change the entire hormonal balance of your system, it can help to heal or prevent adrenal fatigue and help your mental health to stay well balanced.
Sleep is one of the most powerful healing modalities you can apply on a daily basis and produce healing in every part of the body.
[bctt tweet=”Sleep is one of the most powerful healing modalities you can apply on a daily basis and produce healing in every part of the body. #HealingSleep #AboundinginHopewithLyme” username=”aboundinginhope”]
Knowing how sleep benefits your overall health should make it easier to make this lifestyle habit one of the most important habits you have.
Want to know how to have a good nights sleep?
- Eat nutritious foods every day. Stay away from sugar, processed foods, caffeine, and alcohol especially a few hours before bed.
- Have a protein snack before bed to help balance your blood sugar.
- Exercise every day.
- Get plenty of sunshine.
- Clear the clutter from your bedroom.
- Turn the television off.
- No electronics 2 hours before bed.
- Take a hot shower or relaxing bath before bed.
- Drink soothing herbal teas like chamomile.
- Spend time before bed meditating or praying.
- Practice a routine of gentle stretching.
- Make sure the temperature in your room is not too hot or cold.
Healing requires changing the signals to your brain which requires healthy food, exercise, a quiet evening atmosphere, and good night-time habits which all lead towards a good night’s sleep so that your body can repair and heal.
Tricia, I have had difficulty in sleeping well and for long periods since coming down with Lyme in May ’16! Although I am sleeping better, I still don’t sleep more than 4-5 hours at a time and then perhaps I fall back to sleep for about 2 more hours. This has been a very hard issue as I feel tired pretty much especially in the afternoon and especially as the evening comes. I try to nap, but only able to sleep perhaps 15 – 30 min then wide awake. I’ve added your suggested NutraMedix Burbur-Panella detox and it does help me fall asleep quickly. Still waking up though after a few hours…
Hoping and praying this ends before too long.