If you or your child has Lyme, PANDAS, or PANS you will not want to miss this interview on Abounding in Hope Talks with Eva Soderstrom.
How Your Words are Devastating Someone with Lyme
Words can be devastating! They can hurt, wound, and destroy. Words carelessly spoken to someone with Lyme disease can devastate an already devastated person. When I was sick with Lyme disease I experienced the wounds of words spoken without thought or care. These words were often spoken in a
The Anniversary of My Lyme Disease Diagnosis
Today is August 25th and this day is quite significant in my Lyme journey. It’s the anniversary of my Lyme diagnosis.
Purpose In Pain
I woke up at 5 am this morning, not able to sleep because of pain. I can usually get comfortable and go back to sleep but not today. Rather than lie there in misery I decided to get up, grab my Bible, a cup of coffee, and a pile of blankets and head to the deck […]
What You Need To Know and Do When Tough Times Hit
It’s inevitable that we’re going to face tough times in our lives. In fact, we’re all living in one of three places in life. We are either living in a trial right now, coming out of one or about to go into one! The most important thing about walking through these difficult times is how […]
I’ve Been Lying To Myself About My Health
The other day I found myself telling someone that I’m about 95% better. Many days I felt 95% better but on this particular day, I was feeling exhausted from an anniversary celebration we gave to my parents almost five days before.