When I realized that had once again been exposed to mold it totally explained why I have not been feeling my best. I knew something was off about the classroom I had been sitting in every week. I felt woozy, my head felt full and I even experienced some anxiety. Each time I went to this building my symptoms got worse and I began to get new symptoms.
My initial symptoms were pronounced fatigue, muscle aches, and headaches. I don’t like slowing down to take naps but I was crawling in bed almost daily and sleeping for two or three hours. A few weeks of exhaustion led me to go to my doctor who diagnosed me with chronic reactivated Epstein-Barr virus along with a few other viruses. As I began to research this I decided to share my findings with you and share what I’m learning.
DISCLAIMER: Before I go on you need to know that I’m not a doctor and I don’t pretend to be online, only at home. Everything I share here is for informational purposes only based on research that I’ve done for myself. Do your own research and always consult your physician before taking any supplements or changing anything that you may be presently doing.
Also – this post contains affiliate links and I am always so appreciative when you use them because it helps me keep this blog online. It doesn’t cost you anything extra but makes a tremendous difference for me, so thanks! You can read more about my disclosures here.
My Health Team
My alternative doctor did his usual energetic testing for my evaluation and told me that mold is toxic to me. Mold can often cause old viral infections to reactivate. I tested positive for EBV again along with other viruses. A few weeks later I confirmed this with my integrative doctor through blood tests. Energetic testing also revealed active HHV6 (Herpes Simplex 6), and adrenal fatigue.
Even though I’ve come to trust energetic testing, I’ll often visit my integrative doctor for a more thorough evaluation and might request blood work for things like Vitamin D and iron levels. Of course when I go to her because I’m not feeling well she’ll automatically run a full panel of bloodwork on me.
Sometimes, it’s nice to have a blood test confirm the energetic testing because many people don’t understand energetic medicine and they won’t believe you when you tell them that’s how you know your body is dealing with a viral infection or other illness.
I believe it’s important to have a medical team rather than one treating physician. Unless that physician is all-encompassing, this will mean traveling to a few different places. If you look hard enough you may be able to find a really great physician who accepts insurance! Now let’s discuss the Epstein-Barr Virus.
About Epstein-Barr Virus
When you think of Epstein-Barr virus you might immediately think of Mono and that’s because it is the virus that causes Mono but it also causes other viral activity. Epstein-Barr virus or EBV is also known as Human Herpesvirus 4. Whenever there’s a reactivated or chronic infection it is often accompanied by other Herpes viruses. They are found within the B cells and can often reactivate for the same reason.
EBV is one of the most common viruses and just about everyone has been exposed to it at some point. I’ve read that over 95% of the population has had it at some point in their life.
The Epstein-Barr virus is also responsible for triggering some autoimmune conditions as well as some forms of cancer as explained more below.
Epstein-Barr Virus Transmission
EBV is most commonly spread through saliva but can also be spread through other bodily fluids and is possible to be transmitted through blood transfusions.1
When the initial infection is contracted as a teen or an adult it can cause Mononucleosis (Mono), the Kissing Disease. The Epstein-Barr virus and CREBV are highly contagious and can be transmitted during the incubation period, weeks before the onset of symptoms.
When infants and children get EBV it is most likely not diagnosed as EBV but rather as a non-specific virus. Teens and adults usually have more significant symptoms and are more likely to be diagnosed with Mono. Symptoms for Mono may last for several weeks but could last for months.
Chronic Reactivated Epstein-Barr Virus or CREBV can also cause other illnesses as I’ll list later. It’s very common for those with tick-borne diseases, like Lyme disease, to test positive for EBV and that’s because of the great burden tick-borne diseases place on the immune system.
Once you have EBV, the virus can lie dormant and remain inactive in your body until your immune system is compromised again. When this happens the virus can reactivate causing CREBV.
Chronic reactivated Epstein-Barr Virus is considered a rare progressive disease that can last for six months or longer. 2
Symptoms vary depending on age and the condition of the immune system but can include the following:
- fatigue
- fever (often low-grade)
- swollen throat and lymph nodes
- headache
- enlarged spleen
- swollen liver
- rash
- facial paralysis
- muscle weakness
CREBV can present with the following symptoms:
- all of the above
- debilitating and sometimes severe fatigue
- achiness throughout the body
- swollen throat and lymph nodes
- debilitating neurological symptoms
- anemia
Chronic reactive EBV can begin with symptoms that mimic the flu and followed by prolonged chronic fatigue.
Surprising Findings
Researchers believe the following diseases are connected to EBV:
- Systemic Lupus
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Juvenile Arthritis
- Inflammatory Bowel Disease
- Chrohns Disease
- Celiac Disease
- Type 1 Diabetes
EBV is associated with a number of rare cancers and malignancies including Hodgkin’s disease, B cell lymphomas, Burkitt’s lymphoma, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, and cancers of the nose and throat.3
How to Diagnose EBV
Most doctors can test for EBV through a blood test. Tests look for the presence of antibodies to the virus and can distinguish between a new infection or one that has been reactivated. Some alternative physicians can test for EBV using energetic testing.
I read about a Comprehensive Viral Panel from Dr. Jockers which looks like a really beneficial panel of tests used to look for multiple viral infections. It’s not necessary to order these from this website because this is something your doctor can do but you can get an overview of the types of tests that you should consider having done. Read more about that here: Comprehensive Viral Panel Test.
Elevated viral antibodies is a sign of an active infection. IgM testing would be a more recent infection and IgG would indicate an infection in the past.
Treating EBV
There are no known traditional treatments for chronic reactive Epstein-Barr virus or even EBV. Anti-virals do not work. The best way to treat EBV is through rest and building the immune system. Eliminate stress and take the time to rest and heal, easier said than done!
The following can be very helpful:
- Restorative Sleep
- Nourishing, Nutrient Dense Foods
- Gentle Exercise
- Gut Health such as taking probiotics, eating fermented foods when possible and avoiding inflammatory foods.
- Vitamin C – excellent immune builder.
- Zinc
- L-Lysine helps to fight herpes viruses.
- Olive Leaf Extract has antiviral properties.
- Lemon Balm is antiviral and helps to relieve stress.
- Oregano Oil
- Thieves Essential Oil
- Echinacea
- Elderberry
- Ashwagandha is an antiviral, adaptogenic herb to help with stress and immune support.
- Holy Basil is an antiviral, adaptogenic herb to help with stress and immune support.
- Reishi is an adaptogenic herb to help with stress and immune support.
What I’m Doing
I’m not thrilled to be battling a chronic viral infection and I plan to do whatever I can to get better as quickly as I can. I laugh as I write that because I’m still so totally type-A. I realize that the time it takes to heal isn’t something that I can control but I’m implementing many of the modalities listed above for my best chances.
I’m attempting to get restorative rest, I’m doing gentle exercises on a daily basis, and eating nutrient-dense foods. I’m also using homeopathic remedies from my alternative care doctor and I’m using adaptogenic herbs like Ashwagandha and Eleuthero. I try to use the Infrared Sauna when I can and I’m using several of Young Living’s immune building products like Ningxia Red and Inner Defense.
It’s important to really listen to your body, rest when needed, practice gratitude, and give yourself plenty of time to heal. That’s not easy for most of us but it is very important.
Have you or are you now healing from CREBV? I would love to know what you have found to be helpful!
1 Epstein-Barr Virus Transmission from a Blood Donor to an Organ Transplant Recipient
2 Epstein-Barr Virus, Dr. Axe
3 Optimal Treatment for Chronic Active-Epstein-Barr Virus Disease
Other resources:
The Sleeping Giant – Tips to Treat Reactivation of Epstein Barr Virus by Jill Carnahan
Epstein Barr Virus – A Key Player in Chronic Illness by Dr. Bill Rawls
Epstein-Barr Virus by Dr. Axe
7 Natural Remedies for Epstein Barr Virus by Dr. Jockers
I have been taking DHEA for over 30 yrs now and it keeps my EBV under control
This article makes me cry happy tears.
Since the age of 9 I struggled severely with anxiety and depression and it only got worse as I hit my preteens. I had late puberty as well.
I was diagnosed with B-Cell lymphoma at the age of 17. My anxiety, depression, and overall feeling unwell went on well into my 20’s. It got worse and worse. I entered myself into an outpatient mental health facility 2 years ago and I dealt with some traumas, but my overall well-being did not get better.
I got a therapist who guided me for many months, and she noticed my symptoms seemed to be more than just trauma related. She mentioned she worked as a functional health practitioner. (Talk about a blessing) We ran some tests, and it turns out I have MTHFR. I have been taking supplement for the MTHFR deficiencies.
I just looked through my old health records from when I had my cancer and they tested me for EBV and I tested very high at my diagnoses of lymphoma. THEY NEVER TOLD ME THAT!
I have been doing functional health for 8 months now and although I have had significant improvements once I started addressing my immune system with probiotics and zinc, I have felt like I have the flu and I have been fatigued with swollen lymphs.
I just messaged my functional health practitioner with my findings of EBV. She did mention she saw a herpes strain and lymes strain in my system and I think chronic EBV hits the head on the nail for me. It makes sense why I have bouts of fatigue, swollen lymphs, and anxiety when I up my zinc and vitamin c…MY BODY IS FIGHTING OFF A CHRONIC VIRUS AND IT’S AFTERMATH!!
Thank you so much for the research that you are doing,
This article has turned a corner for me!
The kicker is I have known since the age of 9 that something seemed wrong with me physically and then the mental issues started. I was told there was nothing wrong with me but in my heart, mind, and soul, I knew there was. Having been told for years that I was just being crazy and I am fine made my mental health decline even more. I am so proud of myself for having the courage to dig deeper and not give up. I am past the point of being mad at others for not seeing what was wrong and helping me how I needed/deserved to be helped. I am now at the point where I just want to heal and I now have a good grasp at what has been plaguing me most of my life.
My next goal is to become a functional health practitioner once I am fully healed. (I have a medical background as I was a surgical technologist)
I desperately want to help others who struggle mentally and physically as I truly believe everyone deserves to live a full, happy, and healthy life. I was determined to get to the bottom of my issues and I have that same drive in helping others.
Much Love!
Hi. Maybe look into histamine intolerance/mast cell activation syndrome? Are you hypermobile?
Symptoms aren’t always typical allergic type reactions. Viruses can trigger it and it’s prevelent in mthfr. My daughters symptoms
were severe anxiety and depression, debilitating nausea, feeling fluish all the time, unexplained sore throats, ears clogging, sore joints. Hope you see this. Don’t know if we’re allowed to give out email. l2lmullins@yahoo.ie
Hi Alicia, I’m so sorry that I did not see and respond to your message earlier. WOW! You have been through so much. I’m so sorry that you have felt miserable and endured such difficult health battles since you were 9. It was heartbreaking as a mom to witness that in my own children and I did everything I could to help them but felt like so often I was hitting a brick wall. We need good functional practitioners so I pray you follow that path. It will be very rewarding for you, I’m sure. God bless you and may He fully heal you so that you can be a vessel to help heal others. xoxo Tricia
This is the most comprehensive information I have ever found in one place. I’m so frustrated over this reactivation. I lost my son a year ago and i think the stress brought this on this time. Now my numbers are over 358 with all 4 indicators high as well. I’m eating all fresh foods, no junk and I have already started most everything on your list. My primary is sending me to a specialist, but I’m afraid the Dr’s here don’t know how to treat me. I live in the middle of no where in the mountains of West Virginia. Any suggestions are appreciated! One Dr said that this is compromising my immune system and to not go out in public, but again, I don’t have a lot of faith in their knowledge. Usually I have to tell them what I think is going on and what blood tests to do. Unfortunetly I was right. Also, my iron, vitamin D, and B 12 have been very low. I take vitamins every day along with eating a lot of fresh vegetables.
Thank you! I’m sorry you’re struggling. Have you been tested for MTHFR? I’m not able to give advice for how you should treat but if you are having difficulty finding a doctor who is helping I wondered if you have considered finding a telemedicine doctor like a Naturalpath or functional doctor who meets with you through Skype. This is growing on popularity. God bless you, I will pray for you!
Madeline (my 11 year old) was first diagnosed with CREBV before her Lyme diagnosis. The first doctor told her to “rest” and then we found an amazing LLMD/ND that set us on the right path to cure it! We are still on the journey and now dealing with a Mycoplasma that will NOT go away. But, we are on the right track!
Hi Becca, I am so glad you found someone who is amazing to treat. That’s not always easy to do as I’m sure you know! Best wishes and prayers for full and complete healing!
I’m curious as to what type of treatment you are on.
Hello, could you please share your LLMD’s name or abbreviated last name and location? Thank you.
Hi Allen, you can read the interview I did with my doctor in this post https://aboundinginhopewithlyme.com/healing-naturally-interview-with-dr-nader-soliman/