Today is August 25th and this day is quite significant in my Lyme journey. It’s the anniversary of my Lyme diagnosis.
Change Your Type A Personality, Prevent Illness & Heal
If you’re Type A like me you might wonder what you can do to prevent stress and the negative consequences which contribute to disease and illness. In my previous post, Why Your Type A Personality Puts You At Risk for Illness, I shared what a Type A personality is and how it can contribute to […]
The Character of a Great Mom In the Midst of Chronic Illness
I’ll never forget the flood of emotion that washed over me when a friend told me that I was a great Mom. I was surprised by the tears that welled up in my eyes. I didn’t feel like a great Mom. I felt like a failure.
Purpose In Pain
I woke up at 5 am this morning, not able to sleep because of pain. I can usually get comfortable and go back to sleep but not today. Rather than lie there in misery I decided to get up, grab my Bible, a cup of coffee, and a pile of blankets and head to the deck […]
When Mom Guilt & Chronic Illness Collide
If you’re a mom I would guess that at one time or another you’ve felt “mom guilt”. You know, mom guilt, like when you disciplined your child only to find out later he didn’t do what you thought he did. Or when you forgot a very important activity and your child had her heart set […]
How I Chose My Blog Name and Why it Means So Much
Have you ever visited a blog and wondered how they came up with their blog name? Or maybe you’re like me, it doesn’t cross your mind but you just think to yourself, “Oh that’s a nice blog name,” or “what were they thinking?”. As I was rebranding my blog there were a few things that […]
Why is Consistency So Hard?
Do you ever feel like you just want things to happen right away? You don’t want to wait, you don’t want to work for it, you just want it to magically happen.
What You Need To Know and Do When Tough Times Hit
It’s inevitable that we’re going to face tough times in our lives. In fact, we’re all living in one of three places in life. We are either living in a trial right now, coming out of one or about to go into one! The most important thing about walking through these difficult times is how […]
Merry Christmas
I am so very thankful for each and every one of you who faithfully read my blog. I love hearing from you, hearing your stories and how my posts encourage you. It makes a difference knowing the things I write and share are helpful.
Reminding Myself About Life Through Unexpected Loss
I’ve always known that life here on earth is short which makes each and every life extremely valuable.