Recently, I made a trip to see my alternative doctor. I wanted to find out if I could eliminate what I thought was a mold allergy. You’ll never guess what he told me! Actually, you might guess, because you might have the same problem I do with toxic mold exposure!
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A Walking Mold Barometer
I’m a living, walking, mold barometer and it’s greatly affecting my life! When I walk into a building that has mildew or mold issues I immediately know it. My head gets lightheaded and feels full or clogged up. My nose begins to burn, my ears get full and itchy, my heart races and then I begin to have anxiety!
The longterm effects have been fatigue, rashes, migraines, and reactivated viral infections.

I was hoping my doctor would be able to do auricular allergy elimination therapy by inserting a tiny ear needle. This helps the body to eliminate allergies and has been very effective for other environmental allergies like grass, trees, and pollen.
Mold Toxicity
My doctor told me that I am not allergic to mold, rather mold is toxic to me! He told me that every time I’m exposed to mold I will get sicker and that recent mold exposure is most likely what reactivated Epstein Barr Virus.
Mold affects over 20% of the population in this way. For others, it might cause mild symptoms that they don’t associate with mold exposure.
Mast Cell Activation
Years ago before my Lyme diagnosis, I had what is now recognized as Mast Cell Activation. This is when your histamine goes haywire causing severe anaphylactic or allergic responses to chemicals, preservatives, fragrances, and even food. I had no idea that this could be caused by mold exposure.
Later, I found out that the church I was attending at the time had a serious mold problem that was not being dealt with. I’m finding that this is a common problem. Building owners and homeowners alike are unaware of the dangers of mold or they are clueless about what they can do to fix the problem. Many others just don’t have the money to remediate and so nothing gets done to protect those who live in or frequent those dwellings.
Solutions to Mold Toxicity
My heart sunk when my doctor said he couldn’t give me anything to make my body immune to the effects of mold. There was no way to fix the problem. The only solution he offered was to completely avoid moldy buildings, detox continually, and boost my immune system.
Mold toxins wreak havoc on your immune system. They can reactivate latent viral infections like Epstein Barr and can make healing from tick-borne diseases very difficult!
A friend told me about the book Toxic by Dr. Neil Nathan. My copy just arrived and I’m ready to dive in. The first case study could so easily have been me. Her story about her hypersensitivity to everything sounded almost identical to mine.
I am super excited about the Toxic Mold Summit and the timing couldn’t be more perfect for me!
Understanding Mold
Too many people have had mystery illnesses FOR YEARS, only to have multiple doctors tell them to just “take some meds.”
Toxic mold is one of the possible reasons why your illness is a mystery. The unrecognized consequences of this toxicity can create hormonal imbalances, brain disrepair, chronic gastrointestinal issues, and multiple autoimmune conditions.
—>>Join me at The Toxic Mold Summit and learn how to determine (or eliminate) whether mold is the cause of your suffering!
Almost 20 years ago, your host, Dr. Margaret Christensen, was a successful OB-Gyn with a booming practice. She began having debilitating fatigue, was unable to think straight and her body hurt all over — so much she closed her practice.
Her family also showed symptoms: learning difficulties, insomnia, severe mood swings, migraines, ADD, asthma and bronchitis, tremors, sinusitis. After 8 years of sickness, they finally found toxic mold in their water-damaged house.
It could be mold toxicity if you are, or someone you know is:
- Suffering from sinus infections, bronchitis, and migraines
- Weakened by gut issues, brain fog, fatigue, neurologic symptoms
- Constantly challenged with sleep issues
- Enduring terrible mood swings, anxiety and/or depression
- Reacting to chemicals, smells, foods, medications
- And more!
The Toxic Mold Summit health experts and air quality/remediation specialists will help you identify exposure, set a course for treatment (for consumers and practitioners), and deliver the latest knowledge, tools, and techniques for dealing with toxic mold.
There’s an epidemic of persons with chronic sinus infections who have spent years on antibiotics (which don’t seem to help). Toxic mold exposure may have triggered (and continues to trigger) these infections — there’s help to be found!
Are you struggling with mold toxicity too? Maybe you’re struggling to recover from Lyme disease, it could be because of mold exposure. If this is you, you’ll want to learn more from Toxic Mold Summit airing January 28th through February 3, 2019! It’s completely free to listen to while it’s airing but if you miss it you’ll be able to purchase the summit and listen at your leisure. Purchase the Summit HERE
How to keep up with an online summit!
My advice for listening to the summit is to have a notebook handy for notes, check out the schedule for each day and begin with the ones that interest you because the talks are only available for 24 hours. You can always listen to the others on the Replay Day!
Register HERE
Summits like these are what helped to educate me and lead me in the right direction for healing my family! You have your disposal experts in their field who are giving you free information that is truly invaluable!
If you think you want to own the talks so that you can have access to them anytime you want, you can do that too! Purchase the Toxic Mold Summit HERE
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